Shri Meghav Mehta

Non Executive Director

Shri Meghav Mehta is a Mechanical Engineer from the Rochester Institute of Technology (New York, USA) with a specialisation in Material Science Technology and Alternative Energy. Shri Meghav Mehta has been the Executive Director of Deepak Phenolics Limited (‘DPL’), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, from May 2, 2019 till May 1, 2024. He is an astute strategist and was instrumental in commissioning the Phenol plant including successful implementation of various projects for manufacturing downstream products of Phenol and Acetone. At DPL, he has played a very crucial role including in creating the organisational structure, formulating of policies, setting up internal controls, overseeing the operations and setting up of robust IT infrastructure. He is also at the helm of affairs of digitalisation in the Group. This encompasses all spheres of activities like – procurement, marketing, operations, logistics, quality, hydrocarbon accounting etc. He is a great advocate of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and constantly working towards engaging these concepts into and any sphere of activities of the Group. Presently, he is the Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of Deepak Chem Tech Limited, another wholly-owned subsidiary and would be looking after execution of all major projects being implemented and to be implemented over the years.

Directorship in Other Companies
Listed Companies
  • Deepak Nitrite Limited
Unlisted Companies
  • Narmada Thermal Power Private Limited
  • Deepak Phenolics Limited
  • Deepak Chem Tech Limited
  • Deepak Advanced Materials Limited
  • Deepak PMC Limited
  • Hyspec Chemicals Private Limited
  • Voidcoin Software Private Limited