Internationally recognized as a responsible corporate citizen

One of the 40 companies in India certified with

Responsible Care

Together for Sustainability

A founder member of the Indian Chemical Council’s

Nicer Globe

The Economic Times Sustainable Organisations 2023

Ecovadis Silver 2022

Internationally recognized
as a responsible

Living the commitment to Responsible Chemistry

Responsible Chemistry is an all-inclusive approach towards environment conservation, people health and safety as well as customer, supplier and community well-being. It embodies the spirit of sustainability that drives us to undertake various self-initiatives to protect and nurture our circle of influence. Evolving to meet the strategic demands of the business, the industry, the society and the planet, we are striving to build a sustainable future with our 3P approach.

Compliant with the highest standards

Our Performance Products division is committed to sustainable manufacturing and is compliant with following pollution control standards:

Living the commitment to Responsible Chemistry

Responsible Chemistry is an all-inclusive approach towards environment conservation, people health and safety as well as customer, supplier and community well-being.
It embodies the spirit of sustainability that drives us to undertake various self-initiatives to protect and nurture our circle of influence.

Effluent Treatment plants

All manufacturing sites are compliant with pollution control norms and take the necessary steps with latest technology to treat effluents as per Compliance requirements.
Our Approach, Initiatives and Awards


Health and Safety

Customer, client and community well-being

Embracing a holistic approach to environmental protection

Zero Discharge Production

Our DASDA facility at Hyderabad is the most water and energy efficient, making us the only company in the world to produce optical brighteners at a Zero Discharge facility.

Lowest Thermal Footprint Phenol-Acetone plant

We have set a new benchmark in India with the lowest specific consumption of Steam and Power at the Deepak Phenolics plant at Dahej, Gujarat.

Dedicated Conservation Cell

Our dedicated conservation cell is continuously improvising processes and products with the aim to reduce our carbon footprint to the minimum.

Effluent Treatment Plants

All manufacturing sites are compliant with pollution control norms and take the necessary steps with latest technology to treat effluents as per Compliance requirements.

Hazardous Waste Management

All manufacturing sites are working with 4R Principal (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) in H. Waste management. Majority waste has been reuse/recycled/recover for making a value-added product and alternative Fuel.

Green Belt

We have created a green belt of 21,000 sq. mts to balance Deepak Nitrite’s manufacturing activities at Dahej.

About our certifications

Committed to doing the most for health and safety

Plant, process and people safety

8.7 million safe man-hours at DNL, Nandesari and 12 million safe man-hours at DPL, Dahej are proof of our commitment to safety.

Emergency preparedness

Emergency preparedness is maintained at all times through regular drills and pre-tests.

HAZOP studies and safety inspections

HAZOP studies and safety inspections are undertaken periodically to sustain the highest levels of health and safety.

Occupational health centres

Every unit has an occupational health centre attached to it to ensure quick response when needed.

About our policies and certifications

Sustainability Report

ESG Data Book

A people-before-profits approach to building genuine relationships

Social interventions

We contribute to Women & Child Welfare, Integrated Livelihood Promotion, Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation, and Integrated Child Development Schemes in over 1,500 villages in Gujarat.

ICC Award For Social Responsibility 2017-18 conferred by the Indian Chemical Council

Preferred supplier status

Some of the biggest companies in the world look upon as their supplier of choice.

Supplier Excellence Award 2015 conferred by Bayer CropScience

Excellent Performance as Most Collaborative Partner for 2017-18 conferred by Rallis, A TATA Group Company

Our Approach, Initiatives and Awards

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